
Object of the Month:
Three Wergo Diapositives

Our object of the month in May is a real chance find: while sorting and archiving numerous diapositives by our donor F.C. Gundlach in the formats 9 x 12 cm and 13 x 18 cm, which are mainly old advertising photos for Uhli, Hertie, Ford and Co, we came across these special works. Two of the three photographs were superimposed in such a way that they created an astonishing new composition. The superimposed image suddenly appeared as a surreal scene with two heads and four legs, remotely reminiscent of depictions of Hindu deities.


The unexpected discovery is probably a fur advertisement, possibly made of beaver fur, created for a company called "Wergo". The female model sits in an elegant side chair on a leather armchair supported by crossed steel legs. The design is strongly reminiscent of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's Bauhaus armchair "Barcelona", which was designed for the German Pavilion at the 1929 World's Fair in Spain.

It is not known exactly when the studio pictures were taken. Instead, they show how chance events in archive work can lead to artistically fascinating results. The diapositives are captivating not only because of their technical quality, but also because of their creative presentation, which was once intentional and is now enhanced by chance.

A well-deserved object of the month, we think!