F.C. Gundlach and Edgar Leciejewski
Gallery Schimming
June 23 - August 13, 2022
As part of the Triennial of Photography Hamburg, we present the exhibition "PALOMA" as a satellite show, in which photographs by F.C. Gundlach enter into dialogue with the contemporary works of Edgar Leciejewski.
The connection between F.C. Gundlach and Edgar Leciejewski originated in 2004, when Leciejewski, still a student, worked for F.C. Gundlach. Since then, F.C. Gundlach was on friendly terms with the up-and-coming Leciejewski and encouraged his artistic development.
Now selected works of the two friends, who found a common language in photography, will be shown.
Gallery Schimming
Jungfrauenthal 4
20149 Hamburg
040 441520
Opening hours
Tuesday - Friday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Saturday 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
(and anytime by appointment)